


名称 类型 必选 描述
ts_code str N 股票代码 (e.g. 605009.SH)
hk_code str N 港交所代码 (e.g. 95009)
trade_date str N 交易日期(YYYYMMDD格式,下同)
start_date str N 开始日期
end_date str N 结束日期


名称 类型 默认显示 描述
trade_date str Y 交易日期
ts_code str Y 股票代号
name str Y 股票名称
shareholding str Y 于中央结算系统的持股量(股)
Shareholding in CCASS
hold_nums str Y 参与者数目(个)
hold_ratio str Y 占于上交所上市及交易的A股总数的百分比(%)
% of the total number of A shares listed and traded on the SSE


  1. The total number of A shares listed and traded on the SSE of the relevant SSE-listed company used for calculating the percentage of shareholding may not have taken into account any change in connection with or as a result of any corporate actions of the relevant company and hence, may not be up-to-date. The percentage of shareholding is for reference only.
  2. The total number of A shares listed and traded on the SSE of the relevant SSE-listed company used for calculating the percentage of shareholding may not be equal to the actual total number of issued shares of that company.


pro = ts.pro_api()

df = pro.ccass_hold(ts_code='00960.HK')


    trade_date   ts_code  name       shareholding hold_nums hold_ratio
0     20220519  00960.HK  龍湖集團   4576163843       182      75.30
1     20220518  00960.HK  龍湖集團   4576043843       182      75.30
2     20220517  00960.HK  龍湖集團   4575955343       180      75.30
3     20220516  00960.HK  龍湖集團   4575905343       179      75.30
4     20220513  00960.HK  龍湖集團   4575905343       181      75.30